Suspension of VA Benefits to 5 Schools for Deceptive Practices
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced on Monday, March 9, 2020 that it intends to suspend VA benefits to five (5) schools for deceptive practices. Read VA's press release to ensure your school has policies, procedures, and internal controls in place to ensure compliance.
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ED and VA Issues Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance
There's been a lot of buzz about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in numerous news and social media outlets, not to mention the abundance of emails you may have received from various companies and organizations. Their goal is to inform the general public of certain changes they've implemented to help prevent the spread of COVID-19; including but not limited to revised procedures and/or any refund or cancellation policy exceptions (if applicable) for those impacted by COVID-19. To this end, over the past week, there's been a handful of notices including guidance distributed to school officials by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) relative to this matter.
Below are FAQs provided by the VA for educational institutions and training establishments in regard to COVID-19 and the impact to students.
SCO (School Certifying Official) FAQs
IHL (Institution of Higher Learning)
NCD (Non-College Degree)
OJT/APP (On-the-Job-Training/Apprenticeship)
#compliance #highered #titleiv #financialaid #reporting #riskmanagement #regulations #audit #procedures
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