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  • Writer's pictureSynergy & Associates

Is Your School Prepared to Reopen When COVID-19 Restrictions are Lifted?

Just a few weeks ago, the thought of nonessential businesses reopening their doors was nowhere in sight as the number of cases and deaths rose across the U.S. but just in the past week, there's been a lot of talk about reducing and even lifting COVID-19 restrictions. All while many small businesses and individuals have yet to receive their financial relief or stimulus check from the CARES Act, not to mention any standardized testing for COVID-19. Nonetheless, with certain states planning to reopen as early as this week, it goes without saying that the health and well-being of the general public and that of your students, faculty, and staff should be and continue to be paramount. And, if your institution is considering or have started a plan to reopen, we've composed a checklist for postsecondary institutions to consider as part of your plan and preparation for reopening.

We hope you find this tool useful. As always, stay safe and please let me know if you have any questions.

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